Thu, 29 March 2018
Cambridge Analytica #deletefacebook issue, latest on removing partner categories and giving some recommendations on what you should be doing in your online marketing to overcomes some of these changes. Don't build your brand on one piece of land! 🌎
Thu, 29 March 2018
Instagram updates to enhance your bio and a Facebook ad case study for an event.
Tue, 20 March 2018
Uneek ways to Build your Brand with Robert Courtney
Direct download: 103_-_Uneek_ways_to_Build_your_Brand_with_Robert_Courtney.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 6:00am CDT
Thu, 15 March 2018
SMMW18, Updates, Client Case Studies
Direct download: 10000000_222310811661882_6450332183218356224_n.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 8:00pm CDT