What we discussed:

  • FTC cracking down on promotions for all social networks.
  • If you're going to have somebody share or tweet, with a hashtag, in order to win something, you have to say it's a contest.
  • The actual guidelines by Facebook for timeline contests states that you are not allowed to tag people or have them share a contest.
  • Always think what is the end goal for creating the contests (i.e: more subscribers, additional email to email list, etc)
  • It is important to spend some dollars on your contest otherwise it's not going to reach people.
  • Contests also bring awareness to your brand, channel, page, etc.
  • You need to know your end goal and test what works better to get there.
  • You may use templates from Lead Pages that you can use for the contest and to generate leads.
  • Things you may do for the contest:
    • Like, share and comment
    • Like and share
    • Like and comment
    • Like and click link
  • Make the contest as simple as possible as people sometimes are lazy to comment.
  • It is also good to give people something they want as opposed to what you have to give away.
  • Two types of contest: Facebook timeline and an app contest.
  • Samples of apps for contests: Heyo and Woobox
  • Contest could engage your specific audience and really target where you're spending your time.

Reference links : 

Be sure to join us in our Facebook group: Business Growth Time.


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Category:business -- posted at: 8:30am CDT

Background of Stephen Sadler: Stephen Sadler, Steve, is an inventor with 8 different patents. He is a former engineer turned entrepreneur. He started 4 different businesses and he is a software developer. He is also a former body builder. He has written two books and the second book's the first of a trilogy.

What we discussed:

  • Steve is both creative and creator. He is good with graphics and development.
  • The first book that Steve wrote is Exposure To Closure. It is sort of an autobiography and also kind of walk people through the path that actually how you successfully create a business in probably one of the most trying of times that we've ever experienced in our lives.
  • Right-handed engineers tend to be analytical while left-handed are the creatives.
  • Creatives tend to have lots of fun and think differently.
  • Steve quit his job as Director of Engineering in 2001 and started Scate Technologies which built the first eLearning tools.
  • They called eLearning as ignitables before which is like a stitch together of videos and PowerPoints and sound and all kinds of things and then played back in a linear format that someone could learn from found in igniteCAST.com
  • Scate Ignite is the authoring tool software used by large corporations for their eLearning creation.
  • Steve's next creation is the Buzcast, originally created to be able to market their eLearning products. Now, it's where video comes to life, try and take content and channelize it.
  • OTT is the over-the-top TV like Apple TV and that's where Buzcast aligns.
  • Buzcast can distribute video content that's attached on any hosting site.
  • ScreenTwit, one of the first social media, was built which took a basic picture and a basic image and sent it off to Twitterland.
  • Vyclone is similar to Periscope where one can be turned into a broadcaster. Vyclone allow two, three or four cameras simultaneously to take video of the same thing and stitch it together.
  • It is very difficult to blend creative and analytics specially as a business because you can be super creative but it doesn't mean you're going to make any money. And at the end of the day that's what you're trying to do -- make money.
  • Creativity doesn't necessarily make you the money.
  • Constantly creating and being original and having ideas whether they're provocative or bold or loud or funny or informative or whatever is what it takes.
  • Mindset, Steve's second book is about a device that you could place on your head because that  looks at your brain waves and actually converts them into text.
  • Small business that's looking to create training for themselves, Scate Ignite is probably one of the most simple applications there is for creating, simple eLearning presentations and be distributed through the web.
  • There's a time and place for automation.
  • In social search engines, whoever said it last is the expert.
  • In Google whoever is the best in search engine optimization goes first.

Where to find Steve Sadler:

Be sure to join us in our Facebook group: Business Growth Time.

Direct download: 57_-_Steve_Podcast.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 9:39am CDT

What we discussed:

  • We need to differentiate ourselves from everybody else is the same rule that applies to networking, both online and offline.
  • Golden rule of business networking, as per Bob Burg, is that all things being equal people are going to do business with and refer business to people they know like and trust.
  • Don't sever the relationship or continue to be able to build something just because it's not an immediate sale but to be able to think about your community and how you can serve them by recommending people that you trust and have the rapport.
  • People miss how can you be able to different and how to extend that relationship to be about them and look at it as a long term thing as opposed to trying to close the deal immediately.
  • When building networking relationship, try to own spot one in your network's mental rolodex.
  • Social media, online marketing, network marketing, and any networking out there is all about building rapport and it's not going to happen overnight.
  • We can come to top of mind for people if we focus on the needs of other people.
  • Quoting Dale Carnegie, "the most beautiful sound that anybody hear is the sound of their own name."
  • In networking evens, re-introduce yourself by name. (ie: Hi, Gary Loper.)
  • Create a visual picture for each person when you get to know their name so it will stick and you will remember.
  • To catch people's attention when writing a blog or tweeting or posting to social media, think of solutions for their problems because that will make them click.
  • When building networking relationships, focus on other people, what we can do and what we can get and when we do this, this go-giver ways, we'll be compensated well for it.
  • The law of left field according to Bob Burg: "Go-givers give for the sake of giving not with the expectation that you're only get from where you gave."
  • Bear in mind that the universe is going to be able to return in kind from unexpected places, unexpected people at unexpected times when you give to others.
  • We're here to be able to serve a greater good and if we can touch their lives whether they do business with us or not, that becomes a magnet that other people who vibrate the same way that we do are going to be attracted to us.
  • Concrete example for building networking relationship in LinkedIn is endorse people of their skills and by doing that you are able to give first and be able to help them create some credibility.
  • The most valuable real estate on Twitter is your profile, your picture and your banner. This is your online business card.
  • In order to be able to be found in Twitter and grow your followers, update your profile. You have 160 characters that are all search engine optimized.
  • In your social media profile, choose a picture that people will recognize you anywhere just by your picture wher your smile is your first logo.
  • In social media, your profile picture is your logo and the cover photo will be your billboard.
  • Start by having an attractive profile that let's people know what you're doing, what you can do for them, you'll start attracting them.
  • Four E's in effective tweeting: entertaining, educational, enhance people's lives and engagement.
    1. Entertaining - learn what your audience respond to.
    2. Educational - share references, bring in articles that substantiates what you do.
    3. Enhance people's lives - motivate people.
    4. Engagement - creating engagement where people see you talking.
  • 40% of the active users on Twitter are virtual voyeurs.
  • When doing your 30-second commercial, give people something to listen to.
  • "Love is complicated enough by itself so we purposely try to make it simpler," Gary's take on love relationship.
  • There's a 17-syllable hormone whose short name is PEA and it's kind of a love drug that lasts about 2 and a half to 3 years.
  • Find ways to be able to stay in love everyday.
  • The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman states that there are five basic ways that everybody feel loved.
  • We all feel the love differently, the same way the we are motivated differently.

Where to find  Gary Loper: 

Be sure to join us in our Facebook group: Business Growth Time.

Direct download: 56_Gary_Loper_Podcast.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 8:37am CDT






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